
Terms of Reference (for Committees and Appointees)

Purpose & Development


The terms of reference provided for committees and appointees shall be primarily for guidance and shall only be restrictive if explicitly so stated.

Development & Change

The development and modification of terms of reference for standing committees and appointees shall normally be the responsibility of the Board unless specifically directed otherwise by a Constituent Meeting.

The terms of reference for special, or ad hoc, committees shall normally be developed and modified by the appointing Officer, or body.

Committee Members are encouraged to refer to the following Timeline Chart to prepare for upcoming meeting.

Link to>> Conference Timeline Flowchart



Constitution and By-laws Committee


Stephen Rosenstiel, USA


Mario Bresciano, Italy
David Chvartszaid, Canada
Janice Kan, Australia


  1. It shall be the duty of the Constitution and By-laws Committee to be familiar with the provisions of the Constitution, By-laws, Rules of Order and Terms of Reference of the College, and to recommend amendments in the best interests of the College.
  2. The committee shall consider all proposed amendments to the Constitution and By-laws and shall submit them with recommendations to the membership for action at a constituent meeting or by mail.

Membership Committee


James Dudley, Australia
Kung Rock Kwon, South Korea


Alina Becker, Israel
Sudhir Bhandari, India
Marcio Lima Grossi, Brazil
Manabu Kanazawa, Japan
Alon Preiskel, United Kingdom
Martin Schimmel, Switzerland
Kumar Shah, USA
Meriting Thokoane, South Africa


  1. It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to examine the qualifications of applicants for Constituent, Life and Affiliate membership, and approve or deny admission to membership in keeping with the By-laws.
  2. The Membership Committee shall also consider applications for Organizational membership and nominations for Honorary membership and make recommendations to the Board regarding approval.
  3. The Membership Committee shall also have a mandate to identify and recruit qualified persons for membership.

Instructions/Information on Membership Process

Nominating Committee


Limor Avivi-Arber, Canada 


David Bartlett, United Kingdom
Dale Howes, Australia
Xinquan Jiang, China
Sreenivas Koka, USA


  1. The Nominating Committee shall make nominations for all positions of officers and councilors of the College.
  2. Written nominations for all positions of officers and councilors are to be delivered to the Secretary at least 90 days before the date for notification by the Secretary of the constituent meeting at which elections are to be held.
  3. The Nominating Committee shall assist the Presidents, if requested, in the selection of members for committees or other positions serving the College.
  4. The Nominating Committee shall select only those candidates who fulfill the following criteria: Candidates must:
        - have been members of the college for at least six continuous years
        - have attended at least two meetings Candidates should:
        - have demonstrated active participation at some level in the college       (committee participation, committee chair activity, program chair, some       other level of activity)
        - have shown leadership ability and experience in other national and       international organizations
         - be considered for their strategic benefits to the Board geographic, gender,         minority representation)
  5. The Nominating Committee is expected to welcome suggestions but shall be required to consider all recommendations for nominations from constituent members of the College provided such nominations are made in writing, signed by the nominee, endorsed by two other constituent members and delivered to the Nominating Committee at least six months before the constituent meeting at which elections are to be held.
  6. All candidates for officers and councilors will submit to the nominating committee a brief (no more than one page) curriculum vitae relevant to their fulfilling the requirements for board membership.
  7. When taking into consideration the geographic/regional distribution of all members of the Board, the Committee will consider the distribution according to the three regions listed in the site selection criteria by using as a guideline a range of three to six members per region.

Finance Committee


Dean Morton, USA


Jung-Suk Han, South Korea
Dale Howes, South Africa
Frauke Müller, Switzerland
Yong-Sheng Zhou, China
Ami Smidt, Israel
Hirofumi Yatani, Japan


  1. It shall be the duty of the Finance Committee to advise the Presidents and Board on all matters concerning the financial well-being of the College.
  2. The Finance Committee shall advise the Treasurer on the preparation of budgets for consideration by the Board.
  3. The Finance Committee shall recommend to the Board means by which the College can meet its financial obligations.
  4. The Finance Committee shall advise the Treasurer on the management of College funds and securities.
  5. The Finance Committee should expect to be consulted in preparation for decisions on major expenditures by the College.
  6. The Finance Committee, with the approval of the Board, may seek the assistance of experts external to the College.
  7. The Finance Committee shall seek sponsors for the activities of the ICP

Education and Research Committee

Education Committee

Arzu Tezvergil-Mutluay, Finland

Education Grants
James Dudley, Australia



Online Education
Limor Avivi-Arber, Canada
Meriting Thokoane, South Africa

ICP/IVOCLAR Fellowship
Sreenivas Koka,USA

Research Grants

Joke Duyck, Belgium






Poster Competition
Kazuyoshi Baba, Japan



Mark Gervais, Australia
Michael Michael, South Africa
Roberto Santana, Chile
Kumar Shah, USA
Tong Mei Wang, Taiwan
Ziyuan Zhu, China



Carlos Parra, Chile

Hiroshi Egusa, Japan
George Tysowsky, USA

Yvonne Hoods-Moonsammy, South Africa
Ting Jiao, China
Manabu Kanazawa, Japan
Matthias Kern, Germany
Sunjai Kim, Korea
Danielle Layton, Australia
Sunyoung Ma, New Zealand
Caroline Nguyen, Canada
Sayaka Tada, Singapore
Bulem Yuzugullu, Turkey


  1. It shall be the duty of the Education and Research Committee to stimulate, promote, and evaluate prosthodontic research and determine areas where more research is needed.
  2. It shall be the duty of the Education and Research Committee to develop an awareness of education in Prosthodontics, to report significant developments to the Board of Councilors and members, and to recommend action by the College if appropriate.
  3. Subject to prior approval by the Board of Councilors, the Education and Research Committee may develop or engage in activities that will assist members in improving their research through collaboration, enhanced funding or the development of specific skills.
  4. The Education and Research Committee may also recommend or develop continuing education opportunities for the members of the College. Such programs may also be developed by other individuals or institutions and co-sponsored by the ICP with Board approval. Evaluation of such education proposals must adhered to the ICP approved guidelines for such activities.
  5. The Education and Research Committee may also recommend or develop, with the approval of the Board, continuing education activities to be presented by the College for non-members or for other organizations or institutions.
  6. It shall be the duty of the Education and Research Committee to conjointly with Ivoclar/Vivadent assess applications and select the winner of the Ivoclar Vivadent/International College of Prosthodontists Research Fellowship in Dental Restorative Materials.
  7. It shall be the duty of the Education and Research Committee to assess applications for and make a recommendation to the ICP Board for the awarding of the general Research Grants Program.
  8. It shall be the duty of the Education and Research Committee to assess and judge all poster presentations submitted for display at each Biennial meeting.
  9. The Education and Research Committee may also recommend or develop, with the approval of the Board, continuing education activities to be presented by the College for non-members or for other organizations or institutions.
  10. Subject to prior approval by the Board of Councilors, the Education and Research Committee may develop or engage in activities that will assist members in improving their research through collaboration, enhanced funding or the development of specific skills.

Professional Relations Committee


Carlos Parra, Chile
Joke Duyck, Belgium








Advisory Council of Organizational Members (ACOM) 


Carlos Parra, Chile 


Franco Bassi, Italy
Lino Calvani, Italy
Seong Joo Heo, South Korea
Noland Naidoo, South Africa
Martin Osswald, Canada
Jijo Paul, India
Alon Preiskel, United Kingdom
Murali Srinivasan, Switzerland


  1. It shall be the duty of the Professional Relations Committee to prepare suitable means and materials for developing increased interest in, and better understanding of the field of prosthodontics'
  2. It shall be the duty of the Professional Relations Committee to have the responsibility for coordinating the activities of the College with the other societies of dentistry, particularly those devoted to the specialty of prosthodontics.
  3. It shall be the duty of the Professional Relations Committee to examine and establish desirable liaison with other professional groups and associations.
  4. With the exception of news released directly by a President or the Secretary, the Professional Relations committee will be responsible for all news released relative to the College.
  5. The Chairman of the Professional Relations Committee serves as the Editor of the ICP newsletter.
  6. It shall be the duty of the Chair of the Professional Relations Committee to coordinate the Advisory Committee of Organizational Members (ACOM).



ICP Speakers Bureau Committee


Carlos Parra, Chile


Scientific Committee

Instructions/Information regarding Program

Instructions/Information regarding Industry Partners

Danielle Layton, , Australia
Dean Morton, USA
Alon Preiskel, UK


Maria Menini, Italy
Michael Michael, South Africa
Arzu Tezvergil-Mutluay, Finaland
Carolyn Nguyen, Canada
Sairse O'Toole, UK
Caroline Perez Rodriquez, Australia
Kumar Shah, USA


  1. Finalize the scientific program and select speakers

Toronto, Canada 2025   
Local Conference Organizing Committee

Site Selection Guidelines (PDF document)




Limor Avivi-Arber, Canada
David Chvartszaid, Canada


  1. Assist with the development of the upcoming ICP meeting



Committee Members Only:

Please select the link below for the following: Log into the ICP Committee Members Task List Tool View>>ICP Conference Flow Chart (timetable)

Go to ICP Committee Task List >>> ICP Task List


International College of Prosthodontists
4425 Cass Street, Suite A
San Diego, CA 92109 USA
Tel: 1 (858) 270-1814
Fax: 1 (858) 272-7687