Global Partners Instructions & Timetable


Program Schedule Template

The following documents are mailed to Industry Partners:

Industry Partners Fee Schedule
2017 Santiago Exhibit Prospectus Contract

Industry Fee Schedule and Contract will also be posted on Global Partner conference web page.




Upon request, the ICP Administration office will email Sponsorship Committee members, a record of past history contributions and contact information.

When should Industry Partners be recruited?

Conference Time Table




Upon request, the ICP Administration office will email Sponsorship Committee members, a record of past history contributions and contact information.

When should Industry Partners be recruited?

The "Sponsor level" industry partners should be confirmed at ICP Interim Board meeting prior to next meeting - (ICP Board Meeting: September 2016, Rome)

NOTE: Upon receipt of verbal or corresponding pledge, the ICP administration office will email and mail confirmation letters and invoices.

The ICP administration office will mail industry partner packages (Cover letter, Fee Schedule and Contract) at least 16 months prior to meeting date. Upon mailing, the office will notify Sponsor Committee of mailing to coordinate promotional efforts (personal contacts with mail literature).

What do you do with Industry Partner contacts and leads?

Contact the ICP Administration office with any prospective leads for exhibiting. Include company name, pledge amount, contact person name, contact person email address and as much information as possible.


International College of Prosthodontists
4425 Cass Street, Suite A
San Diego, CA 92109 USA
Tel: 1 (858) 270-1814
Fax: 1 (858) 272-7687